
50-Word Review: Star Wars – Obi-Wan and Anakin #1

Set between Star Wars Episode 1 and 2, Obi-Wan and his padawan Anakin are called to assist on a planet that's meant to have no inhabitants. Charles Soule's writing and Marco Checchetto's art come together well. There's also some nice back story featuring Palpatine / Mace Windu - this five-issue … [Read More...]

Marvel and DC

50-Word Review: Star Wars – Obi-Wan and Anakin #1

Set between Star Wars Episode 1 and 2, Obi-Wan and his padawan Anakin are called to assist on a planet that's meant to have no inhabitants. Charles Soule's … [Read More...]

50-Word Review: Daredevil #1

Daredevil's back in New York, his identity again secret and he has a trainee / sidekick to boot. Soule's writing continues the story nicely from Waid's farewell and … [Read More...]

I Was Cynical About Secrets Wars and Battleworld Until..

... I finished reading the first issue of 1872, one of the 5000 comics Marvel is putting out with it's universe-altering, cross-over reboot extravaganza. But … [Read More...]

Review: Darth Vader #1 and #2

Marvel had lots to live up to when they took over the reins from Dark Horse in telling Star Wars stories in comics. The first two issues of Darth Vader prove they've … [Read More...]

Press Releases / Industry News

IDW Releases Disney Monthly Titles

Pree release below in full. I can see this going starkly one way or the other - they'll sell gangbusters or flop spectacularly based on the remaining level of public … [Read More...]

Image Goes Mail Order

Well here's a bit of news I didn't expect. Image Comics have gotten themselves into the direct subscription and mail order business big-time, offering dozen of … [Read More...]

Other Companies

50-Word Review: Archie #1

Archie and friends are iconic and a reboot to the modern day could have been an utter disaster. The result is actually the opposite: a totally entertaining, … [Read More...]

Headspace TP Released Next Week

Regular readers will know I'm an unadulterated fan of this series (check our review of issues 1-5 here). So I'm pleased to hear that a trade paperback of the … [Read More...]

Review: Usagi Yojimbo Senso #6

Not a dream, not a hoax, not an imaginary story. Well, actually, it’s kinda one of those. (Warning. This review is from a long-time Usagi Yojimbo fan. He tried to … [Read More...]

50-Word Review: Deadly Class #10

I don't read comics for laughs, expecially Deadly Class. Issue #10 keeps a frenetic pace, but still manages to add a scene that had me laughing big time. It's … [Read More...]


Gold Humour: Texts From Superheroes

Thanks to a friend letting me know about the site Texts From Superheroes, I can pass it on to you to enjoy as well. Here's one example: Now go check out the … [Read More...]

Webcomic Wednesday – Moth City Part 4

You can never have too much of a good thing. That's why this week, for Webcomic Wednesday, I return through the digital space to look at Tim Gibson's Moth City, as … [Read More...]

Random Goodness

Film and Comic Comparisons – An Exercise in Futility and Frustration

'I Have An Issue' is a regular opinion column from Kimberley Griffiths, with no fear or favour shown. If you'd like to suggest something for a future column, drop us a line. Also, check out Kimberley's blog! Let's make one thing abundantly clear if it … [Read More...]

Mary Doe: Let’s Get It Kickstarted

Thanks to a tip-off from an Aussie comics colleague, we're flagging a pretty damn cool movie project being conceived locally. It's sort of comics-related in that some of the team have comics pedigree, but the project itself is about making a promo trailer … [Read More...]

2013 Eisner Hall Of Fame Awards: Voting Now Open

In case you're lucky enough to be in a position to do so,voting is open for the 2013 Eisner Hall Of Fame Awards. Here's who gets to vote: Online voting is now open! To vote, you must be a professional working in the comics or related industries as a creator … [Read More...]

Review: Thanos Rising #1 – Jason Aaron & Simone Bianchi

Usually when I see Thanos' name thrown around, it's accompanied with titles such as "The Mad Titan" or "Avatar of Death". So when Thanos Rising was announced, it was Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi's chance to introduce us to the villain making its rounds on … [Read More...]

Review: The Walking Dead #112 – Kirkman, Adlard and Rathburn

The Walking Dead is unique in so many ways, but one of the most singular to the title is that there are truly no story arcs as defined by most other comic books. Instead what you have is one long uninterrupted narrative that progresses organically, driven by … [Read More...]