Webcomic Wednesday – The Fox Sister

Hello and welcome to Webcomic Wednesday! Each week I take a look at a webcomic and let you know what I think about it. This week I’m taking a look at a Korean supernatural thriller courtesy of Christina Strain and Jayd Aït-Kaci: The Fox Sister


The Fox Sister, set in Korea, is probably one of the most impressive looking webcomics I have seen. It’s a beautifully crafted tale of revenge – which in itself is rather contradictory, but Jayd Aït-Kaci’s art is absolutely stunning. Even the more sinister parts of the tale look fantastic, with Jayd Aït-Kaci’s work invoking that of water colour paintings. I cannot recommend it enough on art alone.

Thankfully Christina Strain’s tale is fantastic as well. Following Cho Yun-Hee as she takes revenge for her sister against a Kumiho – a fox demon that takes the form of a woman before it kills- who has taken her sisters form. It’s a take on Korean myth mixed into a classic thriller as Yun-Hee’s mission of revenge teeters on obsession.

It’s not all doom and gloom in Yun-Hee’s world though as the supporting cast of the story produce much needed levity in the form of her dog Soot Bull, and the new American man in town Alex. Both of these- especially Soot Bull- are well realised and contrast Yun-Hee’s often dark personality, elevating The Fox Sister to depths way beyond a horror comic.

The Fox Sister is updated every Thursday. It’s midway through Chapter 3 and you should definitely check it out here

Have any webcomics you want me to check out? Let me know on my twitter @Pipes815, or send me a message via our contact form.